Year 1 & 2 (age 5-7)

“The structure and delivery of teaching is exceptional. The support and direction provided to my daughter provides a fantastic environment to encourage her to learn and make the process fun and engaging.”

Key Stage 1, Year 1 & 2

In Year 1 a new topic is introduced each half term with the teaching and learning of other subjects being linked to the topic in some way.

This ‘topic’ approach enables children to apply their skills and transfer their knowledge from one subject to another. It supports children in making connections whilst increasing their confidence, interest and motivation when learning. Our topics are fun and engaging, ranging from The Seaside and Old Toys to Transport and Pirates!

In Years 1 and 2, we aim to promote the following:

  • To develop an enthusiasm for sharing of information whilst learning the need to listen carefully to others.
  • To be able to work on short tasks until completed and move on to new tasks independently and with interest.
  • To understand and apply the school and class rules.
  • To take care of personal property.
  • To be understanding and kind to others.
  • To take a pride in the appearance of themselves and their learning.
  • To be able to dress and undress without help.
  • To be the best we can!

All pupils in our Pre-Prep are encouraged to develop individual interests, explore, ask questions and have ownership of their learning journey in order to provide them with every opportunity to reach their potential. Our overall aim is to build each child’s self-esteem, confidence and independence to ensure they have the best possible start at Prince’s Mead.

Mrs Lucy Brown, Head of Pre-Prep