The Governing Board

“School leaders and Governors contribute strongly to the success of pupils by supporting an ethos that promotes academic and personal development by encouraging enjoyment and a love of learning.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate

Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, including business, education, the forces and the professions, and all are deeply committed to the school’s continuing success. All are regular visitors to the school, meeting staff and pupils to stay in tune with developments.

Mel Renwick - Chair of Governors

Mel Renwick joined the Board of Governors in October 2014.

Mel has worked in the insurance broking sector in London for the last 25 years holding a variety of roles, both client-centric and internal. She is currently focused on operational and change programme leadership, as well as having an involvement in her company’s graduate and diversity programmes.

Mel is married to Arnold, and they have two daughters – both of whom attended Prince’s Mead School. The Renwick family have been attending and involved in the school for just under ten years, with Mel serving on the Prince’s Mead Association throughout this time, and latterly leading the Prince’s Mead Association as Chair.

Jill Bainbridge

Jill Bainbridge joined the Board of Governors in March 2023.

Jill is a lawyer specialising in Intellectual Property and Commercial Dispute matter and is recognised as a leader in her field having been a partner with a larger regional law firm for over 20 years. She lives in Salisbury and is married with a daughter.

Jill is an Independent Non Executive Director of England Lacrosse and has previously held a trustee role with Breast Cancer UK and sat on the regional funding panel of the Prince’s Trust.

Georgie Bateman

Georgie Bateman joined the Board of Governors in November 2018.

Georgie has lived in Hampshire since 1997 and was a governor at Leaden Hall School in Salisbury for 6 years. She ran Night Nannies in the south of England for 18 years before selling the business in 2018 and now runs the Mentoring Programme for Kids on Track, a charity that supports children from disadvantaged backgrounds in Andover. She is also a churchwarden of St Mary’s Church, Broughton and also volunteers at Broughton Primary School.

Tim Giddings

Tim Giddings joined the Board of Governors in June 2021.

Tim is a Housemaster at Winchester College. He has been teaching Latin and Greek at Winchester since 2009 and is currently preparing to lead an expedition to walk Hadrian’s Wall.

He is married to Hannah and has three young children. They are members of a local church. In his spare time, he enjoys following the increasingly positive fortunes of Wrexham AFC, watching cricket and learning new languages; the current challenge is Welsh.

Charles Gillow

Charles Gillow joined the Board in June 2021 and is a member of the Governance Committee.

Charles has a science degree from Oxford University and postgraduate qualifications in systems and aeronautics. He served 12 years as a Bursar following 16 years as a pilot in the Royal Air Force and 12 years in the City of London.

He is married to Stacy, a teacher in prep and secondary schools, and is enjoying a life of relative retirement while being a governor of two schools and Riding Master of the Light Cavalry, HAC.

Ann Hauser

Ann Hauser joined the Board of Governors in January 2013.

A member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, she runs a property development and management company in Hampshire. She is property director of Winchester Churches Housing Association.

Ann lives in Winchester with her husband who is also an Architect. Their three boys all attended Prince’s Mead School.

Christopher Lowe

Chris joined the Board in January 2019. He leads the Finance & General Purposes Committee and works very closely with our Bursar, Poppy Hughes.

Chris has lived in Winchester since 1982 and now lives in the centre of the City with his wife, Jenny. His three daughters all attended Prince’s Mead. Chris is a Corporate Finance advisor, he is currently on gardening leave from EY until he joins AlixPartners in February 2025 as a Partner & Managing Director, located in their London office.

When not advising on transactions or working with the Board and staff, Chris spends his time with family and friends, focused on his fitness and wellbeing, and holds a very keen interest in the sport of Formula 1 and Manchester United.

William Pattisson

William Pattisson joined the Board of Governors in June 2016.

William has been a Fund Manager for his whole career, having started work in London in 1986.  In 2010 he set up Ardevora Asset Management LLP, an asset management business which manages UK and global equities for a range of institutional investors.

He lives in Winchester with his wife, Francheska. Their three daughters were all at Prince’s Mead.

Keeya Saund

Keeya Saund joined the Board of Governors in June 2022.
Keeya attended Prince’s Mead School as a pupil from Reception to Year 6 and left the school just over 10 years ago. Keeya graduated with a Bachelors degree in Psychology from Cardiff University and has worked across a variety of mental healthcare roles within both the public and private sector alongside conducting mental health research.
Keeya currently lives in Southampton with her partner and has recently stepped into a new role within the Automotive Industry as a part of the Customer Experience team.Keeya joins the board as its first ‘Youth Governor’ and sits on the Education committee.

David Sibson

David Sibson joined the Board of Governors in July 2018 and is the Chair of the Education Committee.

He is highly experienced in independent education, having had a long career teaching and leading in the sector, including two headships of prep schools. As well as undertaking inspections for ISI, David was also a very active supporter of IAPS, both at District level and also as a member of the central IAPS Council.

Since retiring from headship, David has continued his involvement in education through inspection, consultancy and governorship.

David, who lives in the Vale of Pewsey in Wiltshire, is married to Claire and they have two grown-up children.

Kerry Stylski

Kerry Stylski is a chartered accountant and has worked for top ten accounting firm RSM for the last 20 years.

Kerry is an audit director specialising in charities and education and has many years of experience working with independent schools on finance and governance matters.

She lives in Basingstoke with her husband and young daughter.

Sarah Tice

Sarah Tice joined the Board of Governors in March 2015.

Sarah gave up her career in Public Relations to raise her four daughters, all of whom thrived at Prince’s Mead School. She has over the years, been actively involved at the schools her girls have attended, including teaching Netball and Rounders club at Prince’s Mead and chairing the Parent Teachers Association at senior school level.

Sarah is happily married to William, a busy knee surgeon.

Sarah is Governor responsible for Safeguarding and the Early Years Foundation Stage.