Parents’ Association (PMA)

The Parents’ Association (Prince’s Mead Association/PMA) plays a central role at the school, welcoming new parents, sharing information, leading fundraising efforts and running events that bring together the whole school community.

Every parent with a child at the school automatically becomes a member of the PMA. It is run by a voluntary body of parents and teachers and headed up by a parent as the Chair, a position that is usually held for two years but can be longer. The PMA organises a range of activities that both support the school and enable parents to meet socially.

The current PMA Committee is a hard-working but fun-loving group who have children in all year groups at Prince’s Mead. We are always looking to recruit new friends to the Committee, if you would like to become more involved in Prince’s Mead, meet lots of fellow parents and feel you can contribute in any way, please contact us.

The first PMA event is an Autumn Drinks Reception to welcome parents of new pupils; the PMA Committee, the class representatives and a large number of staff are generally present. Recently other social events have included: the Family Fireworks Night, Summer Fete and Camp Out, Colour Run, and Golf Day. For the children, the PMA organise Christmas entertainment, an Easter Egg Hunt and the ever-popular cake sales, which are held once a term. Current parents can visit to see upcoming events and book tickets.

2024-2025 General Meetings – Every Parent Welcome

You are warmly invited to attend our meetings held on a Monday in our Dining Hall at 8pm. This is attended by the PMA Committee, the Headmaster and staff representatives.

  • Monday 28th April 2025
  • AGM – Monday 16th June 2025

PMA Committee 2024-2025

Mr Adam KingPresident
Mr Chris CousinsChair
Mrs Melanie JonesTreasurer
Mrs Zoe CroftSecretary
Dr Louise Tilley & Mrs Charlotte RobertsonClass Reps Liaisons
Mrs Katy BeckhurstNearly New Uniform Shop
TBCStaff Liaison
Mrs Carlie ArkellCommittee Member
Mrs Katy BeckhurstCommittee Member
Mrs Lucy Bruce JonesCommittee Member
Mrs Catherine HackettCommittee Member
Mrs Sophie NichollsCommittee Member
Mrs Charlotte RobertsonCommittee Member
Dr Louise TilleyCommittee Member
Mrs Lisa WakefordCommittee Member
Mrs Gemma WilksCommittee Member

Class Representatives

Each class has one or two Class Representatives that volunteer to represent the parents in their child’s form for a year. Class Representatives perform a vital role helping to organise social functions for their class, communicating updates from staff, reminders of upcoming events and gathering feedback from parents. They are also called upon to support and help at other PMA social and fund-raising events i.e. Christmas Market, Firework Night and fundraising for our charities. In addition, representatives may be asked to support the class teacher in enlisting parental assistance with particular activities such as outings or costumes for different events. A member of the PMA committee oversees the system and circulates a list of ‘Class Representatives’ to parents. For class parents and information on events please visit

ClassTeacherClass Representative
NurseryMiss BrewerMrs Jasprit Kalley & Mrs Tara Whittington
RCMrs Chapero-HallDr Katherine Plant
RSMiss SayCdr Penny Freeman
1B & 1WMrs Barton & Mrs WattsMrs Kate Prewett & Mrs Claire Murphy
2HMiss HodsonMrs Melanie Jones
2TMrs ThompsonMrs Rebecca Degnarain
3HMrs HanceMrs Suzanne Evetts
3MMiss MarshallMrs Jennifer Wood
4CMrs CostelloMrs Kate Mezger
4MMr MacdonaldMrs Rebecca Sheppard
5HMrs HeadMrs Eve Srikantha
5WMr WalkerMrs Naomi Burge
5CMrs CraggMrs Joanna Alexander
6JMrs JonesMrs Joanne Thomas
6TMr ThomasMrs Rebecca Smith
6SMrs SmallMrs Hannah Harring

Nearly New Uniform T&Cs

The Nearly New Shop

The Parents’ Association (PMA) is responsible for running the Nearly New uniform shop (the Shop), which is staffed by volunteers from within the PMA. The purpose of the Shop is to provide an efficient and cost-effective means for parents to sell and/or purchase used stocks of Prince’s Mead uniform and equipment.

Payment Terms

Parents will earn 50% of the sale price of any stock sold on their behalf, with payouts being made once a minimum amount of £10 has been earned. The remaining 50% will be for the account of the PMA. Payouts will be made at intervals during each school term. No payouts will be made to parents in relation to any stock which remains unsold after the 2 years maximum stock period has expired, or stocks received unlabelled. The PMA does not guarantee that any uniform or equipment provided by parents to the Shop will be sold.

Arrangements for delivery of new stock items

(a) Strung labels can be obtained from the Shop, from the School’s reception, or by e-mailing one of the parent contact details below (these will be placed in an envelope and sent home via your child’s school bag). Labels can be obtained from the shop or via the download available on the school website.

(b) On each label please write down: (i) your full name and phone number; (ii) the item (e.g. jumper or skirt); (iii) the size; (iv) the date.

(c) Tie the label securely to the items and bring into school, depositing them at the Shop when it is open.

(d) The item will then be priced and placed for sale in the Shop.

Maximum Duration Stock Held and Quality of Stock Held

Uniform stock will be held for a maximum of 2 years from the date first deposited with the Shop, and thereafter the PMA reserve the right to dispose of any stock which remains unsold.  All uniform will be assessed for quality by volunteers within the shop and only uniform deemed to be of “nearly new” quality will be sold.  No payouts will be made to parents in relation to any stock which remains unsold after the 2 years maximum stock period has expired or donations deemed by shop volunteers not to be of “nearly new standard”.

Shop Opening Times

The Shop opening times are published in The Link and listed as events on Classlist.

Reimbursement Methods

The preferred method of payment is by EFT (Electronic Bank Transfer). You will be notified by email when your account is due to be credited.

Privacy Policy

Details of addresses, phone numbers and bank accounts will be held securely, and will only be used to process payments to you or to contact you on legitimate Shop business. Your personal information will not be provided to any other third party, other than with your express authorisation for banking purposes only.

Returns and Refunds

Clothing may be taken away to be tried on at home. You will be asked to make payment in advance, but unsuitable items may be returned within 1 week, provided they still have the tag on, have not been worn, and remain in a clean condition.

Contact Details


These terms and conditions may be changed at the discretion of the PMA. Although reasonable care will be taken to ensure that the uniform and equipment provided by parents are kept securely stored and undamaged whilst in the Shop, the uniform and equipment will be left at the Shop or in the receptacles provided by the Shop at the parents’ risk. The PMA shall not be liable to the parents for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by the parents whilst the uniform and equipment are in the Shop or in the receptacles provided by the Shop. The PMA reserves the right to accept or reject uniform or equipment provided by parents if it is not inadequately good condition.