Headmaster’s Notes: Remembering 75 years on

6th November 20

In Friday Prayers this morning we remembered and gave thanks for the extraordinary bravery, resourcefulness and tenacity demonstrated by British and Commonwealth forces who fought with great distinction in the Second World War and the freedom their service and sacrifice gave us. Celebrating 75 years since the end of the war in Europe in 1945, we remembered too those who did not return home, the people who rebuilt our great country after the war, and the people who help us today through service and sacrifice.

From the vantage point of the twenty-first century, it is hard for us to appreciate fully the suffering endured by those who fought. Drawing upon his 33 years in the Royal Navy, culminating as Deputy Chief of Defence Intelligence in the rank of Rear Admiral, we were privileged to welcome John Lang who reminded us what Remembrance is, the role of our Armed Forces and what service looks like.

The courage and fortitude shown by all those who fought in the war were exemplary. Field Marshal Slim observed that victory was reliant “…upon their courage, their hardihood, their refusal to be beaten either by the cruel hazards of Nature or by the fierce strength of their human adversary”. Their resolve, like that of all British, Commonwealth, and Allied Forces, was unbreakable and stands as an example to us all as we enter this next period of national lockdown where Prince’s Mead remains utterly committed to carrying on (outside of one or two adjustments that are outlined below).

Today, seventy-five years after that hard-won victory in Europe, Prince’s Mead is proud and humbled in expressing our profound respect and admiration to the veterans and survivors of war, many of whom will gather at Easton Church, amongst many others this Sunday, to mark Remembrance and where a wreath will be placed on behalf of our school community. Above all, we remember all those who never returned, and will never grow old. We remain resolute that their stories will be passed on to the generations of today and tomorrow so that we can learn from their example.

Peter Thacker Signature
Mr Peter Thacker