7th February 20
Many of us noted this week a rather public exchange as David Leakey, a decorated Lieutenant General, responded to the presumption from a prominent political figure that military personnel are, essentially, too tough to feel anxiety. Leakey explained that “just because we’re trained to take things at a higher level…doesn’t mean we don’t feel it.” Despite more recent efforts to raise awareness of the complexities of mental health, it is clear that much work needs to be done to contest assumptions, such as what Leakey has tried to do over these last few days. In marking Children’s Mental Health Week, we are reminded of the importance of recognising and supporting young people’s mental health in particular. There is much to be said for a balanced approach to life inside and outside Prince’s Mead that I sense is much of the attraction to us all in our close community. It is, paradoxically, by recognising that there is more to life than examinations, for example, that we give children the best chance of passing them.
We have had some very happy and successful sporting results over this past week with many performances that far exceeded the performance of that England Rugby team last weekend. Let’s hope that our ski team can also bring us back some silverware, as they head off to the Italian Alps next month to represent Prince’s Mead for the first time at the IAPS Ski Championships.
It was a pleasure to welcome a large number of prospective parents to Prince’s Mead this week with our Open Afternoon today and, earlier this week, our new Nursery information afternoon in advance of our Nursery launch in April. On both occasions our visitors certainly saw the best of the School and loved meeting our pupils whose energy and enthusiasm were infectious. As parents, you should be extremely proud of them.
Do enjoy the break this weekend, and I look forward to welcoming back pupils next week for what promises to be an exciting final week before our half-term break.
Mr Peter Thacker