9th October 20
According to national research, over two-thirds of young people in the UK said their mental health got worse during lockdown so now, more than ever, we maintain a razor-sharp focus on positive wellbeing. With Mental Health Day being on the agenda this week, it is more important than ever to promote positive engagement on this subject, opening up a dialogue where needed, building confidence and self-esteem and knowing one’s worth.
Inside Prince’s Mead, pupils are certainly immersing themselves in the array of opportunities on offer that have been placed at their feet. Life for the average pupil at this stage of the term is pretty non-stop with children balancing their academic commitments alongside their sport, music, drama and other extra-curricular interests. At the same time, they find the passion and enthusiasm to give nothing but their best. Pupils have been working industriously in lessons (including Year 6 Pre-tests!), creating scarab beetles, First Aid instruction with Matron, writing poetry, building chicken houses, phonics aplenty in Pre-Prep and so much more.
Our virtual visitors to our Open Day today had already heard much about Prince’s Mead from beyond the School gates and it was a great privilege to offer them a glimpse of the magic that goes on under our roof.
Wishing you a most relaxing weekend.
Mr Peter Thacker