5th April 19
These past twelve weeks have simply flown by with an extraordinary breadth of highlights to celebrate. It was in this term that we received the wonderful news of our children’s scholarship success with 20 awards granted across Academic, Sport and the Arts and all our Year 6 pupils gaining entry to their first choice of senior school. We were honoured to also receive such very positive news following our school inspection. Never ones to rest on our laurels, such accolades can only act as a springboard for us to offer more exciting opportunities for our enthusiastic pupils and we look forward to delivering an exciting programme for them in the Summer Term ahead.
I am very grateful for the support of our Board of Governors. I am conscious of the increasing demands of their role as they volunteer their own time and expertise for the school; no more so than the Chair of the Board. The relationship between a Head and Chair is an important one, particularly so in the appointment of a new Head. For the short time I have had the privilege of knowing Mr Brian Welch, I am personally indebted to him for the support he has given me. After eleven years of dedicated service to Prince’s Mead, nine of these as Chairman of the Board, Brian is stepping down in this capacity at the end of the academic year. I would like to thank Brian for his wisdom and support for the school during an exciting period in its development. I am however delighted to be working with Mrs Mel Renwick who has been unanimously elected by the Board as Brian’s successor as Chair for the new academic year. A number of you will be familiar with Mrs Renwick as a former Prince’s Mead parent who has had a long-standing relationship with the school, more recently as a highly capable member of our Board of Governors.
On the staffing front, may I take this opportunity to thank Mr Steve Messenger who retires after over seven years of sterling service in a variety of roles and who will be missed by his colleagues and the children. Thank you too to Mrs Rachael Taylor, who has been a valued member of our catering team this year, as she takes up a new role beyond our school gates this Easter. We will remember her particularly fondly for those homemade cakes she produced so ably for our match teas.
And to our children. I remain very proud of the way in which all our pupils here seek to embrace every opportunity that is placed at their feet. They are thriving in so many ways and, as they grow, so they will have the confidence to face increasing challenges that they encounter both on a daily basis and in the future. In the midst of all their experiences this last term, the children are applying themselves diligently to their studies and impressing us every day with their work ethic and curiosity to learn.
The Easter holidays will be very welcome after such a busy period; an opportunity for a proper rest for all. May I wish you all a very happy Easter and I look forward to welcoming you back for what will be an exciting summer term.