12th June 20
In Friday Prayers this morning I spoke about dealing with challenges. Over this last week, we will all be aware of those members of the school community who have faced testing times with great bravery, fortitude and dignity. This morning was an opportunity to remind everyone that they are not alone and, despite the barrier of physical distance for many, support is always there for those who might feel sad or lonely at this time.
I cited the example of Winston Churchill whose tenacity is legendary; the man just refused to give up. Beating the sadness that he often felt was not about necessarily trying harder and doing more but by a determined attitude that was always willing to kickstart that will to change. He always tried, always persevered and never gave up. We all know someone who has exhibited these qualities.
He was also an accomplished artist and painting gave him a great refuge when he wanted to lift his spirits. In his paintings of landscapes and still life, there is no sign of unhappiness. We are reminded of the inspiration and love of art that has been instilled in our pupils over the years and the many cherished memories they will take away from these experiences. Picasso once said that the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls – and how true that is. Perhaps I can encourage those who might be feeling a bit low this weekend to get out a paintbrush, indeed wash that dust of daily life off our souls, and express ourselves. What a tribute too to those memories we hold.
Mr Peter Thacker, Headmaster