29th January 21
The Prime Minister’s hopes that children could return from Monday 8th March gave us all some welcome clarity and optimism this week, albeit many of us had anticipated this date would have been sooner. I am aware that this lockdown is proving much tougher for families and teachers, coming as it does in the middle of winter this time around.
Looking ahead, the impact that this pandemic could take on a generation of school-aged children across the country, particularly those in less fortunate circumstances, can only be guessed and the rapid and frequent changes in policy over schools re-opening, such is the unpredictable nature of what we are facing, has not made this straight-forward. I have been personally reassured in my dialogue with Steve Brine MP this week of his shared commitment to push the urgent case in Parliament for pupils, particularly those of primary school age, to return on site and delivered through a clear plan.
In the meantime, my heartfelt thanks go to you for your continued support of the teachers who show what can be achieved under such challenging conditions, so many of whom are also juggling their own families, anxieties and workload at the same time. Who better to understand these very personal challenges than our parents at this point in time and you continue to achieve the impossible from afar, as do your children.
Meeting with staff this week, momentum is gathering for our own Prince’s Mead children’s recovery plan for when they do return, and teachers are brimming with ideas with booster sessions aplenty and, naturally, an abundance of sport, outdoor education and social activities. With great pride, we will be launching our own festival of education this summer, with inspirational talks, activities and visits to compensate for all that children hanker for during these trying winter months. We will be shouting the power of education from the rooftops!
Mr Peter Thacker