The Great Science Share 2023

12th June 23

On Tuesday 13th June we are taking part in the Great Science Share 2023 when Prince’s Mead Year 2 and Year 5 pupils will join with thousands of schools across the globe to ask-investigate and share their science investigations.

This year’s theme is Science Around Us, a theme that provides an ideal opportunity to focus on the important role science has to play in addressing the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Head of Science, Mrs Savillewood has tasked pupils to come up with scientific questions that explore chemistry topics i.e. the materials we use and how we might make more sustainable choices in the future; biology topics i.e. the animals and plants in their local environment, their own needs and their health, human body, healthy lifestyles; or physics topics i.e. The Sun, the transport we take or even the machines we use to make our lives easier.

“This is a great opportunity for pupils to take the lead in asking questions they are curious about. The focus on Science Around Us has meant many questions related to biodiversity, materials and sustainability – really showing that our pupils are asking the questions today that will make a difference to all our tomorrows” – Head of Science, Mrs Savillewood.

If you’d like to see the experiments and results from our Great Science Share 2023 then you can do so here.


The Great Science Share is run by SEERIH (Science and Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub) at the University of Manchester and in collaboration with the Association for Science and Education, Primary Science Quality Mark and SSERC and with support from CREST (British Science Association).