Tag: hampshire

Headmaster’s Notes: Shouting from the Rooftops!

29th January 21

The Prime Minister’s hopes that children could return from Monday 8th March gave us all some welcome clarity and optimism this week, albeit many of us had anticipated this date would have been sooner. I am aware that this lockdown is proving much tougher for families and teachers, coming as it does in the middle…

Headmaster’s Notes: Nothing can Substitute Experience

22nd January 21

Recalling my experience on operations twenty years ago, many of the soldiers in my charge spent many months in an unfamiliar, dangerous, and highly complex landscape facing threats and confronting their fears in ways they had not navigated before. Rigorous training had helped, but nothing could prepare them for the reality. Recalling subsequent operations, one…

Headmaster’s Notes: The Greatness of Community

15th January 21

As we embark on this period of learning from home, how uplifting it has been to witness the Prince’s Mead community embrace the challenges that the beginning of this Lent term has presented to us and to receive such encouraging feedback from those pupils, parents and teachers that I have had the privilege of meeting…

Headmaster’s Notes: The science of today is the technology of tomorrow

4th December 20

Science and technology continue to be a major focus for education and industry in the UK, as highlighted this week by the news that we are the first western country to approve a Covid vaccine. This coincided with news that a British artificial intelligence company has shown that it can compute the shapes that proteins…